.M O V I E S.

Michael Fassbender

German/Irish Actor

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Why is Michael Fassbender my favorite actor?

Michael Fassbender is my favorite actor because of his versatility and commitment to his roles. He can adapt to almost any character and make you believe its who he really is. Like Prometheus for example, he plays an android so well that you think hes actually not human. He is, in my opinon a very underrated actor that doesnt get the credit he deserves.


My favorite movies by Michael Fassbender


Focusing on the 1981 hunger strikes by Republican prisoners in Northern Ireland. Bobby Sands is one of a group of prisoners who first "took to the blanket" with a "dirty protest" in pursuit of their claims for recognition as political prisoners. Sands then became the first one of the group to embark on a hunger strike that was to end in his death.


December 5, 2008

What I like about it?

It's quiet film and full of little details while capuring full emotion during the entire movie

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Successful and handsome New Yorker Brandon (Michael Fassbender) seems to live an ordinary life, but he hides a terrible secret behind his mask of normalcy.


September 4, 2011

What I like about it?

Its a compelling almost-masterpiece and if you have the stomach, watch it. A fantastic performance from Michael Fassbender.

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X-men: Apocalypse

Worshiped as a god since the dawn of civilization, the immortal Apocalypse becomes the first and most powerful mutant. Awakening after thousands of years, he recruits the disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender) and other mutants to create a new world order


May 27, 2016

What I like about it?

Plenty of new characters and a compelling story to leave you wanting more.

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Photos of Michael Fassbender